Template for writing tech specs

June 14, 2020

So, let’s all be on the same page first ー

  1. It’s bad to have no documentation
  2. It’s good to have documentation
  3. And, it’s flippin’ amazing to have documentation which is thorough, organised, collaborative, well-written, well-structured, well-articulated and more-well-full-of-productivity-fairy-dust-qualities.

In this post, I will share a template for writing technical specs.
The template outlines lower-level details of the engineering work needed for a feature, service or a small project.

Origin story

In 2015-17, I worked with the amazing team at (tinder for jobs). It was the most amazing time I’ve had working. At Super, we came up with this template for writing tech specs.

I have made a few adjustments over the years while retaining the core document structure. Here is the template -

Template -

Tech Spec [Template]

#TODO Attach a example tech spec.

Heyo 👋 I'm Prathamesh.

I'm a Software Engineer living in Mumbai, evolving and working on making cool things at Upstox.